After obtaining our quickchange case in the UK last summer, we contacted Sig at Rodsville in the USA to order some parts; in fact all the guts are needed, gears, gaskets, shaft, crown&pinion set, the whole enchillada !
Shipping is calculated as we speak, so our last dough in the budget will be sinked in good ol' iron !
Of course we'll keep you posted when it the package hits our side of the pond !
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wheels: sorted !
Friday, September 24, 2010
wanted: wheels
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Trash-Can magazine feature; Auto Motor Klassiek
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Salty white shirts; get'm while they still last !

We managed to book supermodel E. to show you our salty white shirts. To avoid any diet-issues they are only in L, with small logo on the chest, big logo on the back, both in fierce green !
Cost: a measly 15 euro; with free shipping in the Netherlands ! Outside NL, please ask !
Drop us an email if you'd like to dress like a hero, and take part in this excellent adventure !
Thanx !
Quickchange finds it's way down there!

That Rodsville quick change we scored at the Hayride in the UK quickly (pardon the pun) found it's way between the 70 year old Ford axlebells, and onto our welding table. Now we have to score the parts that need to go in it ! Lower shaft, yoke, rear cover, gears, bearings, gaskets...
If this looks like a request for a friendly is !
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010
The So-Cal Speedshop bellytank!

One of the most well-known and successfull bellytank racers was Alex Xydias, the owner of the So-Cal Speed Shop. The So-Cal Special was basically a 315 gallon wing tank off of a P-38 Lightning with custom built framerails, powered by a 156 cubic inch flathead V-8. At Bonneville in 1951, the So-Cal team set a new record for their class, running a 145.395 mph average.
The So-Cal Speed Shop team took the car back to their motel and, right then and there in the parking lot, swapped the engine out. They put in a larger, 259 cubic inch Mercury flathead and ran the car again in a larger engine class. They set a record in that class as well, running 181.085 mph.
The team then swapped the engine out once again, this time putting in a 296 cubic inch Mercury engine. It ran a one-way time of 198.340 mph, with a two-way time of 195.77 mph. This speed was a record for its class, until it was upstaged the next day by the Mal Hoopster lakester, which was running with a Chrysler hemi and turned a 197.88 mph average. But the So-Cal Special's 198.340 mph run is still the fastest one-way speed that a non-blown flathead V8 has ever run.
To put all of these achievements into perspective, consider that at 1952's Indy 500, Troy Ruttman (with all of his sponsors and his overhead cam engine) won the Indy 500 with an average speed of "only" 128.922. Xydias was going faster than Ruttman in a salvage yard belly tank powered by a pre-W.W. II flathead Ford and no sponsors.

One of the most well-known and successfull bellytank racers was Alex Xydias, the owner of the So-Cal Speed Shop. The So-Cal Special was basically a 315 gallon wing tank off of a P-38 Lightning with custom built framerails, powered by a 156 cubic inch flathead V-8. At Bonneville in 1951, the So-Cal team set a new record for their class, running a 145.395 mph average.
The So-Cal Speed Shop team took the car back to their motel and, right then and there in the parking lot, swapped the engine out. They put in a larger, 259 cubic inch Mercury flathead and ran the car again in a larger engine class. They set a record in that class as well, running 181.085 mph.
The team then swapped the engine out once again, this time putting in a 296 cubic inch Mercury engine. It ran a one-way time of 198.340 mph, with a two-way time of 195.77 mph. This speed was a record for its class, until it was upstaged the next day by the Mal Hoopster lakester, which was running with a Chrysler hemi and turned a 197.88 mph average. But the So-Cal Special's 198.340 mph run is still the fastest one-way speed that a non-blown flathead V8 has ever run.
To put all of these achievements into perspective, consider that at 1952's Indy 500, Troy Ruttman (with all of his sponsors and his overhead cam engine) won the Indy 500 with an average speed of "only" 128.922. Xydias was going faster than Ruttman in a salvage yard belly tank powered by a pre-W.W. II flathead Ford and no sponsors.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Q&A #1
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
TrashCan support party April 3rd: wet, but fun !
Last Saturday, April 3rd, the Trashers had their first bash at our own clubhouse: The Trash-Can Support Party.

We invited a heapload of friends to join in with their cars, get some shirts, get even more grub'n'beer, and support the TrashCan tank in the process!
But oh boy, was it wet! The worst weather of the week, but you didn't let us down! 90% of the people who bought a presale ticket showed up, we sold 'bout 700 bottles of beer, at 5pm we completely ran out of burgers, our friends of the Dunlop Devils and the Cowpokes played blisters on their fingers, kids were entertained, the whole enchillada!
Thanx everyone for the great support, and for having a GREAT day!
Special thanks go out to:
- Our hard working heroe in the tastebuds ticklin' department: Manuel, a.k.a. "Kokkie". Visit his restaurant Chez Manu at Hoogstraat 50 Eindhoven!

- The greatest surf band around: The Dunlop Devils. Check 'em out on their myspace.

- The magnificent acoustic bluegrass trio: The Cowpokes.

- Louis for supplying Vedett beer and gimmicks such as the kustom beer bottle label printer.

Thanks again everyone and hope to see you all again soon!

We invited a heapload of friends to join in with their cars, get some shirts, get even more grub'n'beer, and support the TrashCan tank in the process!
But oh boy, was it wet! The worst weather of the week, but you didn't let us down! 90% of the people who bought a presale ticket showed up, we sold 'bout 700 bottles of beer, at 5pm we completely ran out of burgers, our friends of the Dunlop Devils and the Cowpokes played blisters on their fingers, kids were entertained, the whole enchillada!
Thanx everyone for the great support, and for having a GREAT day!
Special thanks go out to:
- Our hard working heroe in the tastebuds ticklin' department: Manuel, a.k.a. "Kokkie". Visit his restaurant Chez Manu at Hoogstraat 50 Eindhoven!

- The greatest surf band around: The Dunlop Devils. Check 'em out on their myspace.

- The magnificent acoustic bluegrass trio: The Cowpokes.

- Louis for supplying Vedett beer and gimmicks such as the kustom beer bottle label printer.

Thanks again everyone and hope to see you all again soon!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Just in: steering to swerve the Salt
Lengthening the bomb

After we did some mocking up, we decided the tank had to be lengthened by 40cm, or some 15 inches for you Imperial thinkers.
Harks Staalbouw did a good job rolling a couple of pieces in the right curvature. We did the cutting after clamping some sliding tubing to keep everything in shape during the stretch.
Now we should have enough space to occupy the driver AND all important parts !
Friday, February 12, 2010
Let that engine float !
Saturday, February 6, 2010
L.A. Grand National Roadster Show 2010
It's nice to see that our shirts are getting some exposure! Though several Trash-Can shirts have already crossed the ocean towards new owners there, this here's our local buddy Mr.HotRod. Het left his Rod Shop in freezy cold Rod City for a field trip to the GNRS. And we all know who that other guy is, now don't we...

If you have a nice picture featuring your Trash-Can shirt or sticker, be sure to mail it to us at We like that stuff!

If you have a nice picture featuring your Trash-Can shirt or sticker, be sure to mail it to us at We like that stuff!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Preparation of the frame build
Here's another short update from the workshop.
We made an outline of the shape of the bellytank and mocked up the axle positions and the length of the drivetrain.

Though we knew it wasn't going to be easy,
we soon realized there just wouldn't be enough room for our driver.
We decided that the throttle and brake pedals, and therefore Sascha's legs, should be positioned behind the front axle.
There also should be enough room for cooling and fuel system components, so we can make a decent firewall to seal it off from the driver compartment.
All for safety purposes ofcourse.
This means we'll have to lengthen the tank by approximately 40 cm.
The middle part of the tank shape is cilindrical so this shouldn't be too hard to do.
Now that the wheelbase was determined, the rear axle is mounted on the chassis table. Hanzl fabricated some adapter plates, so we could bolt the rear axle sidebells to the quickchange center section. This enables the rear axle to be mounted in the correct position during mock up and construction of the frame.

Next step, make a construction that'll place the engine in the correct position. Then our master fabricator can start building the frame.
After extensive contact with the SCTA, we decided on rectangular steel tubing for the main frame rails, which exceeds the minimum width the SCTA requires.
We're also busy planning an event concerning sponsorship for the bellytank project, we'll get the details posted on the blog as soon as we've got it all sorted.
We made an outline of the shape of the bellytank and mocked up the axle positions and the length of the drivetrain.

Though we knew it wasn't going to be easy,
we soon realized there just wouldn't be enough room for our driver.
We decided that the throttle and brake pedals, and therefore Sascha's legs, should be positioned behind the front axle.
There also should be enough room for cooling and fuel system components, so we can make a decent firewall to seal it off from the driver compartment.
All for safety purposes ofcourse.
This means we'll have to lengthen the tank by approximately 40 cm.
The middle part of the tank shape is cilindrical so this shouldn't be too hard to do.
Now that the wheelbase was determined, the rear axle is mounted on the chassis table. Hanzl fabricated some adapter plates, so we could bolt the rear axle sidebells to the quickchange center section. This enables the rear axle to be mounted in the correct position during mock up and construction of the frame.

Next step, make a construction that'll place the engine in the correct position. Then our master fabricator can start building the frame.
After extensive contact with the SCTA, we decided on rectangular steel tubing for the main frame rails, which exceeds the minimum width the SCTA requires.
We're also busy planning an event concerning sponsorship for the bellytank project, we'll get the details posted on the blog as soon as we've got it all sorted.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Trashers - Bigtwin Magazine #279 / Januari 2010
Motorcycle madness!? Bigwtin... Benelux biggest custombike magazine was kind enough to do a small artikel about us and our Trash Can bellytank project. You can read it at page 106 of Bigtwin's 1st edition of 2010! Here we are...just to show you bikers that there's much more juicy stuff to build than bikes! Ha'

Friday, December 18, 2009
Trash-Can project in Motorized! Magazine
The latest publication of Motorized Magazine, number 2, features the first of probably a series of articles about our Trash-Can bellytank project.
MOTORIZED! is all about hotrods, customs, choppers, bobbers and hot aircooled VW's and the lifestyle surrounding all of this, with minimal words and as much fuel injected eyecandy for the greased up mind as possible.

ElCheapo, Motorized's founder, editor, photographer and overall chief executive officer, visited the workshop a couple of months ago and brought along his camera to shoot the pictures found in the current issue. He'll be coming over more often so he can document the progress of our project, shooting material for upcoming issues. That's when he's not too busy with his custom paintjobs, pinstriping and travelling all over Europe promoting his magazine and gathering features for it.
Well, here's a lo-fi sneak peek, you really should just buy the magazine...

Thanks to ElCheapo: ElCheapo Kustom Works & Motorized! Magazine
MOTORIZED! is all about hotrods, customs, choppers, bobbers and hot aircooled VW's and the lifestyle surrounding all of this, with minimal words and as much fuel injected eyecandy for the greased up mind as possible.

ElCheapo, Motorized's founder, editor, photographer and overall chief executive officer, visited the workshop a couple of months ago and brought along his camera to shoot the pictures found in the current issue. He'll be coming over more often so he can document the progress of our project, shooting material for upcoming issues. That's when he's not too busy with his custom paintjobs, pinstriping and travelling all over Europe promoting his magazine and gathering features for it.
Well, here's a lo-fi sneak peek, you really should just buy the magazine...

Thanks to ElCheapo: ElCheapo Kustom Works & Motorized! Magazine
Friday, December 4, 2009
Show your support with a Trash-Can t-shirt
Trasher Sascha is the smallest and lightest of us, which is why he'll be piloting the cramped Trash-Can down the salt flats. Well, maybe because he's fearless as well. Or just because he Can?! But anyway, he's also a very good tattoo artist down in Eindhoven Rock City's finest tattoo parlour. This brings along the benefit of his ability to design a logo to represent the Trash-Can project.
Sascha designed the "Trash-Can Vintage Fourbanger Flathead" logo primarily for the limited edition first series of t-shirts.
Also from Eindhoven Rock City, Paul of Blendomatic fame, collaborated with us on the production of the t-shirts. He's the number one supplier of cool Rock City related merchandise.
People who buy a Trash-Can shirt not only look the part, but support us because the proceeds go towards finishing the Trash-Can bellytank racer and improving the world speed record in the Vintage Fourbanger Flathead class. The shirts are stylishly olive drab green colored and feature a small logo on the front and a biggun on the back. They've been selling like crazy at the Rockin' Jalopy's Motorama and Speedfest events we attended last few weeks.
If you haven't been to one of these events, didn't buy one there (shame on you!) or if you want more, you can order 'm from behind your computer the same easy way as the stickers of the previous blog post. Just drop us an e-mail at and we'll set things in motion. No, still no Paypal, hey it's only been about an hour since the last post...
This is a short promo film featuring footage shot at the Rockin' Jalopy's Motorama.
Thank you for buying a Trash-Can Vintage Fourbanger Flathead t-shirt!
Thanks to Paul for making the t's!

Also from Eindhoven Rock City, Paul of Blendomatic fame, collaborated with us on the production of the t-shirts. He's the number one supplier of cool Rock City related merchandise.
People who buy a Trash-Can shirt not only look the part, but support us because the proceeds go towards finishing the Trash-Can bellytank racer and improving the world speed record in the Vintage Fourbanger Flathead class. The shirts are stylishly olive drab green colored and feature a small logo on the front and a biggun on the back. They've been selling like crazy at the Rockin' Jalopy's Motorama and Speedfest events we attended last few weeks.
If you haven't been to one of these events, didn't buy one there (shame on you!) or if you want more, you can order 'm from behind your computer the same easy way as the stickers of the previous blog post. Just drop us an e-mail at and we'll set things in motion. No, still no Paypal, hey it's only been about an hour since the last post...
This is a short promo film featuring footage shot at the Rockin' Jalopy's Motorama.
Thank you for buying a Trash-Can Vintage Fourbanger Flathead t-shirt!
Thanks to Paul for making the t's!
Trash-Can stickers for sale
Last week our buddy Nico a.k.a. Guzzmen Deluxe produced some cool looking stickers based on the same "Trash-Can Vintage Fourbanger Flathead" logo as our t-shirts.
Trash-Can is the name we gave our bellytank project and V4F, short for Vintage 4 cilinder Flathead, is the class it'll be competing in.
There are black on white stickers as well as black on metallic silver versions. Guzzmen is a fast acting dude, he likes speed as much as we do apparently, so these stickers were ready to go on sale at Speedfest last Saturday.

So now you can show everyone you support Trashers Racing Team's Trash-Can bellytank racer; just stick 'em anywhere you like. They are popular and sell fast, so get 'em while we still have 'em. Order your set of assorted Trash-Can stickers for only €5 (ex. postage). And while you're at it, order a t-shirt too!
Contact us on our e-mail address you'll find in the column to the right. Just leave your name and address and how many sets you want and we'll get back to you with details concerning payment and postage. To make thing easier for you, we are working on a solution to put a Paypal account up and running. Of course, everyone interested in our project is more than welcome to stop by at our workshop and have a closer look, as long as you don't leave empty-handed ;-)
Once again, thanks to Guzzmen for making such cool stickers!
Trash-Can is the name we gave our bellytank project and V4F, short for Vintage 4 cilinder Flathead, is the class it'll be competing in.
There are black on white stickers as well as black on metallic silver versions. Guzzmen is a fast acting dude, he likes speed as much as we do apparently, so these stickers were ready to go on sale at Speedfest last Saturday.

So now you can show everyone you support Trashers Racing Team's Trash-Can bellytank racer; just stick 'em anywhere you like. They are popular and sell fast, so get 'em while we still have 'em. Order your set of assorted Trash-Can stickers for only €5 (ex. postage). And while you're at it, order a t-shirt too!
Contact us on our e-mail address you'll find in the column to the right. Just leave your name and address and how many sets you want and we'll get back to you with details concerning payment and postage. To make thing easier for you, we are working on a solution to put a Paypal account up and running. Of course, everyone interested in our project is more than welcome to stop by at our workshop and have a closer look, as long as you don't leave empty-handed ;-)
Once again, thanks to Guzzmen for making such cool stickers!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
nothing can go wrong from this point...
Guess what!? After an explosive gig at the Trashers stage at Speedfest 2009, Reverend Beat-Man was kind enough to take his Holy Bible and bless the Trash Can bellytank project. Now we're certain of a nice & smooth record attempt! In fact, we'll just be the fastest!
Reverend Beat-Man is the coolest and most amazing surreal folk trash blues preaching one-man-band on the face of this earth.
Reverend Beat-Man is the coolest and most amazing surreal folk trash blues preaching one-man-band on the face of this earth.
Speedfest 2009... Day After
What can we say...
Lack of Trashers space this year so only a few of our rides were squeezed inside.
We did bring the "Trash Can" bellytank-project and a pile of cool T's to raise funds;
thanks for all you rockers that bought a t-shirt to support us!
This year sure was a great 3rd Rockin' Time!!!

Lack of Trashers space this year so only a few of our rides were squeezed inside.
We did bring the "Trash Can" bellytank-project and a pile of cool T's to raise funds;
thanks for all you rockers that bought a t-shirt to support us!
This year sure was a great 3rd Rockin' Time!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Rockin Jalopy's Motorama... another great weekend!
It's a fact... 1st edition of Rockin Jalopy's Motorama was a blast!
A short but cool trip... all together, without any probs.
Trash Can bellytank racer project (looking for sponsors ;-) display at the show!

Pics by Limpe Iven...
A short but cool trip... all together, without any probs.
Trash Can bellytank racer project (looking for sponsors ;-) display at the show!

Thanks everyone who supported us by buying a T...
hopefully many will follow!

Pics by Limpe Iven...
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